Netpolis can be reached online 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. You can apply for a car insurance, report changes or report damage on out website.
Do you have a question about your existing or a new insurance? Consult the Frequently Asked Questions or contact us directly. For all other questions, changes to your insurance and damage reports, you can contact Netpolis customer service.
Customer service
Do you have a question, change or damage report? Go to our customer service page.
Phone: 085 - 301 3064 (information number)
Damages & alarm center
The telephone number of the alarm center and for assistance with damages can be found on the green card that's part of your insurance policy.
Postal address
Netpolis Administration
Postbus 6740
6503 GE Nijmegen
Office address
Netpolis B.V.
Ridderhof 96
5341 HS Oss
(this is not a visiting address)
Other information
Netpolis B.V. is registered with the Dutch Chamber of Commerce under number 02073737. The Dutch Authority for the Financial Markets (AFM) has granted Netpolis a license under the Wft with number 12011322. More information can be found in the Netpolis Dienstenwijzer (PDF).